The benefits of nuts and sesame, good things that you must eat!

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The benefits of nuts and sesame, things close to you, you can eat them, they are good to eat.

Beans, sesame. This phrase is familiar to scuba diving singers. But today, I will invite you to look at the benefits of beans and sesame. In fact, these good things close to us have many health benefits. The beans I will talk about are not expensive foreign beans, but soybeans that we have been familiar with since childhood. As for sesame, there are both familiar and unfamiliar sesame. Oops!

The benefits of beans, packed with seeds, a common grain that is good for all ages.

The benefits of soybeans are so numerous that they can be said to overflow from a small seed. Soybeans are considered a common grain that has high nutritional value and is easy to find at an affordable price. Importantly, they are good for all ages, especially women, from young girls to

Benefits of soybeans

Soybeans contain important nutrients, namely protein. When counting the amount of protein per 100 grams, we must say that soybeans contain more protein than some types of meat. In addition, they also contain substances in the isoflavones group, such as genistein, deadzine, and glycine, which are substances that have effects similar to the hormone estrogen, which is a female hormone. This is the reason why soybeans are good for people of all ages, especially women.

Soybeans and women

There are research reports that soybeans have many properties that are good for women because of the nutrients in the isoflavones group, such as helping to reduce hot flashes during menopause, reducing the risk of breast cancer, and helping young women stay away from acne and have radiant skin.

Soybeans and men 

Despite having nutrients similar to female hormones, dead zine and genistein found in soybeans can help stop the growth of cancer cells and prevent prostate cancer, which is the fourth most common cancer among Thai men.

Soybeans for all ages 

Soybeans contain substances that help fight free radicals, which help prevent cardiovascular disease and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, soybeans also help prevent osteoporosis, which is common in women. They stimulate bowel movements to work smoothly ทางเข้า and help reduce cholesterol in the blood vessels, which is a major cause of high blood pressure. 

Soymilk Recipe

Soy milk is a popular drink made from soybeans. It is truly a very beneficial drink. However, sometimes the soy milk we buy may have too much sugar or contain diluted soybeans. Therefore, let’s make soy milk ourselves because the method is very easy.